In this section of you’ll find tips for using your computer to browse the internet safely, type letters, send attachments with emails, and more. We’ll show you how to do everyday computer tasks easily.
Privacy concerns are important to Internet users everywhere. To help protect themselves, many people want to know how to use incognito mode in Chrome browsers. We’ll show you how in…
Reading text on a screen is challenging enough for some people. Add to that the higher resolution displays designed into recent devices. That high resolution goes a long way in…
Did you know you can send files directly to Kindle? If you are an indie author you probably submit your books to Amazon KDP. You pay someone to format them…
Writers and other creatives often need to send files with emails. They may be requested to submit manuscripts or artwork to a publisher or editor. There was a time that…
So, how do you type a letter on a computer? If you ever used a typewriter, you can write a letter or any other document on a computer. The keyboards…
Private browsing in Firefox browsers is easy to turn on, particularly in Apple products. It works in tandem with Firefox’s other privacy settings. With online privacy concerns near the top…