Compensation Disclosure provides its content free of charge to all its readers. To make that possible, uses affiliate programs and advertisements for monetization. When you click on links or ads to various product sites that are discussed on this web site, then proceed to make a purchase, this may result in our earning a commission. This is similar to any other business whose income is derived from commissions on referrals or on products sold. Those affiliate programs may be part of a network such as Share A Sale, Clickbank, LinkShare, CJ Affiliate, Impact, or individual programs maintained by the particular vendor. We know of no case in which you would pay more for a product through our links than you would if you went directly to the company in question.

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1) Products or services that we have personal experience with. We use them now, have used them in the past, or have researched and tested them through the use of demos or trial.

2) Products or services that we have researched or tested thoroughly and believe to be good quality, representing value for the price paid.

We will never tell you that we have personally used or tested a product when in fact we have not. We will not compromise our integrity for a sake of a few dollars. If we believe, after doing our own research, that a product is not worth your investment, we will not recommend it to you and we will not have a specific affiliate arrangement for that product. It’s that simple.

You should remember that no two people are alike and that our needs and ideas about products may differ. A product that is great for another person may or may not be suitable at all for your unique needs. Always do your own research before you purchase any product, no matter where you find it or from whom you buy it.

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